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textcontrol set -- Set various options for a textcontrol.

TEXTCONTROL SET TextControl$, IsPassword 
TEXTCONTROL SET TextControl$, Text$
TEXTCONTROL SET TextControl$, Option$, Value$


TEXTCONTROL SET TextControl$, IsPassword 
IsPassword = false Normal typing
IsPassword = true Hide typing with *

TEXTCONTROL SET TextControl$, Text$
Set the text control's text to Text$.

TEXTCONTROL SET TextControl$, Option$, Value$
Option$="align" Value$= "left" / "right" / "center"
Option$="exclude", Value$=characters to disallow.
Option$="include", Value$=characters to allow.
Option$="length", Value$=str$(number) of characters allowed.
Sets the font used to the system fixed font.
Value$="number" Only allow  to characters 0-9 and  ".", full stop.
Value$=""alphanumeric" allow all characters.
Option$="focus" Value$ = "true" / "false" Set the focus of TextControl$.
Option$="Cursor", Value$=str$(number) positions the cursor, sets the focus to true.

Related: textcontrol, textcontrol clear, textcontrol get$